In an infinite blow – Her family album
In an infinite blow – Her family album Video, 2’00’’ Loop, HD, 16:9, colour, stereo sound. 2021 Sound: Francisco Duarte Ferreira Between the infinitely large of the Cosmos and the infinitely small of everyday life, “In an Infinite Blow” simulates a journey through observations of space by the Hubble telescope, replacing the stars with fragments of photographs from a family album.With each blow we are taken on a journey between remains or pieces of someone’s memories, galaxies of experiences interspersed by the empty and black space of oblivion, reflecting thus what remains after our brief existence in this universe.
Tempus Fugit Tempus Fugit Video, b/w, no sound, 4’46’ 2010 “(…)This current work by Carla Cabanas starts exactly in the erasing, in this case through the gesture, of the content of a photograph. She does it organically, establishing a bond with ideas of the ephemeral, of decadence and mortality, as the title itself suggests.For every image there is a story, but here the original story may have been completely lost. The artist promotes a connection between the changing of the image into a drawing and the transformation that has occurred when of the lost of its original meaning, that of preserving memory and supporting a story.(…)” Bruno Leitão
Quid Pro Quo
Quid Pro Quo Video, colour, stereo sound, 11’00” 2009 The video begins with a black and white image that we soon realize to be the footage of a filmed photo. It is easily recognizable as a family photo, with all the implicit meaning, establishing a direct relationship with the idea of memory preservation. My hand then enters the image holding an x-act knife, starting to scratch the photo. Erasing the image by scratching it I increase the intensity and the importance of the gesture. There is a raw side to the presentation of this work that tries to show an intimate and direct work environment, free from the use of aesthetic artifice, staging or rehearsal. And yet, what we see happening there is not just the erasing/scraping of an image, but its transformation into something else. By drawing on a surface that already holds information, I am creating an image on top of another image. When I turn one thing into another, when I transform one thing by using another thing, when I exchange one thing for the other I am getting closer to the concept of quid pro quo (to take one thing for another) And at that moment the video is also addressing the creative process of the drawing itself, by including all the hesitations, the errors and the pauses taken for thinking. And in this process, of swapping with the background, the drawing is changing.
Side A Side B
Side A Side B – Personal Dj Carla Cabanas (a project by Susana Guardado) Instalação com projecção de slides 35 mm, 7 Projectores, Cobre e Tule. Dimensões variáveis. 2017 PERSONAL DJ is one of Susana Guardado’s projects standing on the borderlines of visual arts and music. It was conceived to allow new ways to experience social contact between people of diverse professional areas and segments of a city’s, and even some countries, social and artistic life.This work is then placed within an essential trend of contemporary artistic production, for it gathers sound, space and social contact, contributing for the widening of borders between art and life. Its goal is to build a videographic archive as the result of a process of mapping people and places involved in the work in collaboration with the guests invited in for the project.